This music video was conceived, shot and edited for Reformat's Halloween cover of 'Love You to Death' by Type O Negative. The dark but comedic approach reflects the original band's own macabre sense of humour.
The story is set in an alternate underworld reality and focuses on an insecure and embittered grim reaper called Graham, who finds it hard to make meaningful relationships so takes his frustrations out by writing poison pen letters.
Eventually Graham finds catharsis through collage and Advice from self-help books allows him to learn to love himself a little – which as he now understands, is the first step to allowing someone else to love you too...
Prop Design
The story and majority of the gags were largely built around a selection of printed props, details of which can be seen below... 
"Am I good enough, for you?"
Knowing beforehand that there was absolutely no chance anyone would get a chance to read the ingredients on this Cream of Primordial soup can made it more fun somehow. (It's a good job I find myself so amusing, otherwise the loneliness might be unbearable.)
*Protein IS a myth.
Role: Concept/graphic design/Director of Photography/Video Editing
Client: Reformat
Date: 2021
Back to life, back to reality...